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Pay Per Click (PPC) Services Agency Noida

ElementSofts is a professional PPC marketing agency in Noida with vast experience in Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Linkedin Ads and more.

Professional PPC Agency Noida

PPC stands for Pay per Click. It is an internet advertising model in which the advertiser pays only when someone clicks their ad. It is commonly associated with the use of search engine advertising, in which the advertisers place a bid on specific keywords that are relevant to their products or services.

When someone searches for a keyword that an advertiser has bid on, the search engine will display the advertiser’s ad above or alongside the organic search results. If someone clicks on the ad, the advertiser is charged a certain amount, which is determined by the bidding process. PPC services are often used by businesses to drive traffic to their website, increase sales, and generate leads. They can be particularly effective for businesses that want to reach customers who are actively searching for their products or services, as the ads are targeted based on specific keywords.

We deliver comprehensive Pay Per Click (PPC) Services in Noida, Greater Noida

PPC Campaign management can be done in Google Ads, Bing Ads, or Facebook Ads. An advertiser set a budget per day for the campaigns and track performance metrics—such as click-through rate and conversion rate—prior to tuning the bidding and targeting of their campaigns for efficiency over time. Besides, in general, PPC services can turn out to be cost-effective for businesses to reach their target audience and achieve goals regarding advertising. It does require proper planning and management for campaigns to work effectively and bring good returns on investment. Several types of PPC services are sure to connect the business with the target audience and enable the former to achieve the desired goals of advertising. Some of the common types of PPC services include:


Search advertising

This is the most common form of PPC, wherein businesses bid on certain keywords to make their ads appear within search engine results pages. When a customer conducts a search for a keyword the business has bid on, an ad will then appear above or next to the natural search results.


Display advertising

This kind of PPC advertising involves the display of the ads across third-party sites that are part of a network, like Google Display Network. These may be in the form of text, image, or video ads and may be aimed at reaching specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, or behaviors.


Social media advertising

The more PPC advertising style in this category gets characterized by ad displays on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Such ads can be demographically targeted or by interests and behaviors of the audience and may be text, image, or video-driven.



This type of PPC advertising focuses on users who have been to a business website or taken some other action with the brand. These ads can be created based on the specific action that the user has taken on a website and, therefore, can be remarketed with the aim of bringing them back to complete their purchase or any other desired action.


Shopping ads

This kind of pay-per-click advertising involves the placing of product ads within search engine results pages or on third-party websites; most of the time, it includes an image of the product, with its details and price. The advertisements are then focused on the exact set of products being sold by the business.

Each type of PPC service has its own advantages and disadvantages, and businesses should carefully consider which types of services will best help them achieve their advertising goals.

Advantages of Pay Per Click (PPC) Services

PPC services offer several benefits to businesses, including:

Highly targeted

A business may be very expressive in targeting the right audience by demographics, interests, and behaviors with this PPC advertising method. This allows assurance that your ad is reaching the right people and might indicate a good chance of conversion.

Measurable results

PPC advertising enables very granular metrics and data that can be used to measure campaigns against. One could trace out metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion (CPC) to make sure campaigns are working towards the best possible ROI.


PPC advertising can be less expensive compared with other channels of advertising. Since what the business pays for is each click by someone, this ensures that one’s advertising budget is well-spent since he is not paying for impressions but clicks or conversions of an ad.

Immediate results

PPC advertising produces results instantly—advertisements could be made and run in no time. Thus, it would permit a business to move at a fast pace in response to market changes or to take advantage of a seasonal or time-bound opportunity.

Brand exposure

PPC advertisements can increase brand exposure by showing on top of search engine results pages for your target company. It may heighten awareness and memory recall for your brand, even if it doesn’t instantly get a click or conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions about PPC Services Noida

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